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(provide "maximize")
;;;; Mode Info Prototype
(defproto minfo-proto '(internals))
(send minfo-proto :add-method :isnew #'|minfo-isnew|)
(send minfo-proto :add-method :maximize #'|minfo-maximize|)
(send minfo-proto :add-method :loglaplace #'|minfo-loglap|)
(defmeth minfo-proto :x () (aref (slot-value 'internals) 3))
(defmeth minfo-proto :scale () (aref (slot-value 'internals) 4))
(defmeth minfo-proto :derivstep () (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 9) 1))
(defmeth minfo-proto :tilt () (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 9) 6))
(defmeth minfo-proto :f (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(send self :set-no-vals-supplied)
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 0) val))
(aref (slot-value 'internals) 0))
(defmeth minfo-proto :set-no-vals-supplied ()
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 6) 0))
(defmeth minfo-proto :exptilt (&optional (val nil set))
(if set
(let ((old (send self :exptilt)))
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 7) (if val 1 0))
(if (and (not (or (and old val) (and (not old) (not val))))
(/= (send self :tilt) 0.0))
(send self :set-no-vals-supplied))))
(= 1 (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 7)))
(defmeth minfo-proto :newtilt (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 9) 7) (float val))
(if (/= (send self :tilt) 0.0) (send self :set-no-vals-supplied)))
(aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 9) 7))
(defmeth minfo-proto :gfuns (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(if (or (not (consp val))
(not (every #'functionp val)))
(error "not all functions"))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 1) val)
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 1) (length val))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 10) (repeat 1.0 (length val)))
(if (/= (send self :tilt) 0.0) (send self :set-no-vals-supplied)))
(aref (slot-value 'internals) 1))
(defmeth minfo-proto :cfuns (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(if (or (not (consp val))
(not (every #'functionp val)))
(error "not all functions"))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 2) val)
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 2) (length val))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 7) (repeat 0.0 (length val)))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 11) (repeat 0.0 (length val)))
(send self :set-no-vals-supplied))
(aref (slot-value 'internals) 2))
(defmeth minfo-proto :ctarget (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(if (/= (length val) (length (send self :ctarget)))
(error "bad target length"))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 7) val))
(aref (slot-value 'internals) 7))
(defmeth minfo-proto :fvals ()
(let* ((fv (aref (slot-value 'internals) 5))
(n (length (send self :x)))
(val (select fv 0))
(grad (select fv (iseq 1 n)))
(hess (matrix (list n n) (select fv (iseq (+ 1 n) (+ n (* n n)))))))
(list val grad hess)))
(defmeth minfo-proto :copy ()
(let ((obj (make-object minfo-proto))
(internals (copy-seq (slot-value 'internals))))
(dotimes (i (length internals))
(let ((x (aref internals i)))
(if (sequencep x)
(setf (aref internals i) (copy-seq x)))))
(send obj :add-slot 'internals internals)
(defmeth minfo-proto :derivscale ()
(let* ((step (^ machine-epsilon (/ 1 6)))
(hess (numhess (send self :f) (send self :x) (send self :scale) step))
(scale (pmax (abs (send self :x)) (sqrt (abs (/ (diagonal hess)))))))
(setf hess (numhess (send self :f) (send self :x) scale step))
(setf scale (pmax (abs (send self :x)) (sqrt (abs (/ (diagonal hess))))))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 4) scale)
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 9) 1) step)))
(defmeth minfo-proto :verbose (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 5)
(cond ((integerp val) val)
((null val) 0)
(t 1))))
(aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 5))
(defmeth minfo-proto :backtrack (&optional (val nil set))
(if set (setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 4) (if val 1 0)))
(aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 4))
(defmeth minfo-proto :maxiter (&optional (val nil set))
(if set (setf (aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 3)
(if (integerp val) val -1)))
(aref (aref (slot-value 'internals) 8) 3))
(defmeth minfo-proto :tiltscale (&optional (val nil set))
(when set
(if (/= (length val) (length (send self :gfuns)))
(error "wrong size tilt scale sequence"))
(setf (aref (slot-value 'internals) 10) val))
(aref (slot-value 'internals) 10))
;;;; Newton's Method with Backtracking
(defun newtonmax (f start &key
(derivstep -1.0)
(count-limit -1)
(verbose 1)
"Args:(f start &key scale derivstep (verbose 1) return-derivs)
Maximizes F starting from START using Newton's method with backtracking.
If RETURN-DERIVS is NIL returns location of maximum; otherwise returns
list of location, unction value, gradient and hessian at maximum.
SCALE should be a list of the typical magnitudes of the parameters.
DERIVSTEP is used in numerical derivatives and VERBOSE controls printing
of iteration information. COUNT-LIMIT limits the number of iterations"
(let ((verbose (if verbose (if (integerp verbose) verbose 1) 0))
(minfo (send minfo-proto :new f start
:scale scale :derivstep derivstep)))
(send minfo :maxiter count-limit)
(send minfo :derivscale)
(send minfo :maximize verbose)
(if return-derivs
(cons (send minfo :x) (- (send minfo :fvals)))
(send minfo :x))))
;;;; Nelder-Mead Simplex Method
(defun nelmeadmax (f start &key
(size 1)
(epsilon (sqrt machine-epsilon))
(count-limit 500)
(verbose t)
(alpha 1.0)
(beta 0.5)
(gamma 2.0)
(delta 0.5))
"Args: (f start &key (size 1) (epsilon (sqrt machine-epsilon))
(count-limit 500) (verbose t) alpha beta gamma delta)
Maximizes F using the Nelder-Mead simplex method. START can be a
starting simplex - a list of N+1 points, with N=dimension of problem,
or a single point. If start is a single point you should give the
size of the initial simplex as SIZE, a sequence of length N. Default is
all 1's. EPSILON is the convergence tolerance. ALPHA-DELTA can be used to
control the behavior of simplex algorithm."
(let ((s (send simplex-proto :new f start size)))
(do ((best (send s :best-point) (send s :best-point))
(count 0 (+ count 1))
((or (< (send s :relative-range) epsilon) (>= count count-limit))
(if (and verbose (>= count count-limit))
(format t "Iteration limit exceeded.~%"))
(send s :point-location (send s :best-point)))
(setf next (send s :extrapolate-from-worst (- alpha)))
(if (send s :is-worse best next)
(setf next (send s :extrapolate-from-worst gamma))
(when (send s :is-worse next (send s :second-worst-point))
(setf next (send s :extrapolate-from-worst beta))
(if (send s :is-worse next (send s :worst-point))
(send s :shrink-to-best delta))))
(if verbose
(format t "Value = ~g~%"
(send s :point-value (send s :best-point)))))))
;;; Simplex Prototype
(defproto simplex-proto '(f simplex))
;;; Simplex Points
(defmeth simplex-proto :make-point (x)
(let ((f (send self :f)))
(if f
(let ((val (funcall f x)))
(cons (if (consp val) (car val) val) x))
(cons nil x))))
(defmeth simplex-proto :point-value (x) (car x))
(defmeth simplex-proto :point-location (x) (cdr x))
(defmeth simplex-proto :is-worse (x y)
(< (send self :point-value x) (send self :point-value y)))
;;; Making New Simplices
(defmeth simplex-proto :isnew (f start &optional size)
(send self :simplex start size)
(send self :f f))
;;; Slot Accessors and Mutators
(defmeth simplex-proto :simplex (&optional new size)
(if new
(let ((simplex
(if (and (consp new) (sequencep (car new)))
(if (/= (length new) (+ 1 (length (car new))))
(error "bad simplex data")
(copy-list new))
(let* ((n (length new))
(size (if size size (repeat 1 n)))
; (pts (- (* 2 (uniform-rand (repeat n (+ n 1)))) 1)))
(diag (* 2 size (- (random (repeat 2 n)) .5)))
(pts (cons (repeat 0 n)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'list))
(column-list (diagonal diag))))))
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ (* size x) new)) pts)))))
(setf (slot-value 'simplex)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send self :make-point x)) simplex))
(send self :sort-simplex)))
(slot-value 'simplex))
(defmeth simplex-proto :f (&optional f)
(when f
(setf (slot-value 'f) f)
(let ((simplex
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send self :point-location x))
(send self :simplex))))
(send self :simplex simplex)))
(slot-value 'f))
(defmeth simplex-proto :sort-simplex ()
(if (send self :f)
(setf (slot-value 'simplex)
(sort (slot-value 'simplex)
#'(lambda (x y) (send self :is-worse x y))))))
;;; Other Methods Using List Representation of SImplex
(defmeth simplex-proto :best-point () (car (last (send self :simplex))))
(defmeth simplex-proto :worst-point () (first (send self :simplex)))
(defmeth simplex-proto :second-worst-point () (second (send self :simplex)))
(defmeth simplex-proto :replace-point (new old)
(let* ((simplex (send self :simplex))
(n (position old simplex)))
(when n
(setf (nth n simplex) new)
(send self :sort-simplex))))
(defmeth simplex-proto :mean-opposite-face (x)
(let ((face (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send self :point-location x))
(remove x (send self :simplex)))))
(/ (apply #'+ face) (length face))))
;;; Iteration Step Methods
(defmeth simplex-proto :extrapolate-from-worst (fac)
(let* ((worst (send self :worst-point))
(wloc (send self :point-location worst))
(delta (- (send self :mean-opposite-face worst) wloc))
(new (send self :make-point (+ wloc (* (- 1 fac) delta)))))
(if (send self :is-worse worst new) (send self :replace-point new worst))
(defmeth simplex-proto :shrink-to-best (fac)
(let* ((best (send self :best-point))
(bloc (send self :point-location best)))
(dolist (x (copy-list (send self :simplex)))
(if (not (eq x best))
(send self :replace-point
(send self :make-point
(+ bloc
(* fac
(- (send self :point-location x) bloc))))
(defmeth simplex-proto :relative-range ()
(let ((best (send self :point-value (send self :best-point)))
(worst (send self :point-value (send self :worst-point))))
(* 2 (/ (abs (- best worst)) (+ 1 (abs best) (abs worst))))))